Life and Work and Quitting Smoking

Yep, I’ve been gone a long long while. No time to blog when you are working 12 hours a day EVERY SINGLE DAY. Even weekends. Did I get a bonus out of that? Nope. Did I get a raise higher than budgeted? Nope. My boss tells me I have the “satisfaction of a job well-done”. Uh huh…there is that, but it doesn’t get the bills paid, the house clean or my World of Warcraft guild back on it’s little feet. Ugh.


That is what we’ll be talking about today. Because THAT is all I can think about. The fact that I have not smoked today. The fact that I REALLY REALLY want a cigarette. The fact that I’ve tried this 100’s of times before and failed miserably. (Did I mention I wanted a smoke like uber badly?) The fact that I might gain weight. The fact that my head hurts like a bitch right now. (What I wouldn’t do for a smoke right this second)

There are some new things for the soon-to-be-ex-smoker. Please don’t ask me if that’s a word. I’m in the throes of nicotine withdrawal and frankly, I don’t really care. But there are some new things. I found some great iphone apps that help me. One lets me mash on buttons when I really want a smoke, but I resist. That makes me happy. It makes me at least feel like I am accomplishing something. Though the fact that I haven’t kicked my cat today is a total accomplishment in itself. And I ADORE my cat. However, he and his little brother are seriously getting on my nerves. They want to snuggle, I want to be left alone to feel sorry for myself and mourn the loss of my best friends…my smokes.

Yes…that’s right. Ask most smokers and as much as they hate the habit (and oh my gosh, are scorned for it), we do love our smokes themselves. They are always there in a pinch, in that time of stress. When you want to jerk the douche bag out of his car in front of you and beat his face in, you can turn to that trusty cigarette instead. (Holy crap, what the hell am I going to do Monday during my commute? Eat mints?) When your boss just treated you like a total piece of shit, you can turn to your best friend….the cigarette…. to get you through it without screaming obscenities at her and losing your job (Again, what the hell am I going to do Monday…eat a mint? Oh yeah, that will get the dopamine flowing!). Yep, that cigarette keeps the bills paid.

You can stop rolling your eyes or asking yourself how stupid I am. I know the above remark sounds stupid, it all sounds stupid, but it’s what we THINK. We are addicts, no different than alcoholics or drug addicts. However, for some reason we are treated differently than those addicts. Alcoholism is a disease. Smoking is just a nasty filthy habit that people can quit any time.

Anyone who feels like the above, I wish I could transfer what I feel to you right now. Those 4000+ extra chemicals that tobacco companies are putting in their cigarettes (did you know that up until this year, big tobacco was not made to disclose what was in each cigarette? Only God and the tobacco companies knew what was in a smoke) are doing a number on me. But oh hey, no worries, you’ll get over it in no time. Not true, most smokers relapse at about 3 months smoke-free.

Okay, I’m going to stop ranting, my fingers are swelling I swear. Hell of a way to spend a vacation day so sorely earned, eh?

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